Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Presented by The Law Offices of Nadrich & AssociatesDo I have individual legal options to pursue?  Yes. It is not too late to pursue an individual claim for damages. The Law Offices of Nadrich & Associates will help you determine whether you have a case.

If I took Fen-Phen and suffered heart valve damage what are my legal options? 

As a Fen-Phen consumer, it is possible that you have a viable claim against American Home Products (Wyeth). Your voluntary consumption of the Fen-Phen medications does not relieve the manufacturer from its duty to make safe products or to warn of known dangers.

If you do have a case, you must act promptly in pursuing your claim. The reason for this is that a statute of limitations may be nearing. A statute of limitation is the time in which you must bring your claim or forever be barred from doing so. Each state has its own statutes. The time in which you can bring a case in California or New York may be different than the time in which you can bring a case in other States in the Nation. 

I suspect I have Suffered Heart Valve Damage but have not taken steps to find out.  Is it too late?

No.  The Law Offices of
Nadrich & Associates and affiliates will arrange for you to have a no up-front cost to you echocardiogram test to determine whether you you have suffered heart valve damage. (You must have had at least a 60 day Fen-Pen exposure to qualify.)*

*You still may have a viable claim if your exposure to the Fen-Phen diet medications was less than 60 days.

If I have not had an echocardiogram is it too late for me to get one and maximize my recovery? 

No. If the Law Offices of
Nadrich & Associates and affiliates arrange for your echocardiogram and the results are FDA**positive, steps will be taken on your behalf to opt you out of the class action and pursue an individual claim for damages.      

** FDA positive cases have been defined by the official Court Notice of Nationwide Diet Drug Class Action Settlement as:
A) Mild, moderate or severe aortic valve regurgitation
B) Moderate or greater Mitral valve regurgitation

Persons with diagnosed PPH cases (Primary Pulmonary Hypertension) may bring legal claims for PPH outside the settlement whether they participate in the settlement or choose to opt-out. 

The Law Offices of Nadrich & Associates
is a fifteen person law firm which
does commit the necessary resources to fight any pharmaceutical corporation including the manufacturers of Redux and Pondimen and all other diet drugs. We work on a contingency fee basis. A contingency fee means we only obtain a fee if we make a recovery.  If we do not win the case or make a recovery our clients owe us nothing for our time, costs or expenses.  

With many decades of combined experience, the Law Offices of Nadrich & Associates,  and our highly experienced staff of trial attorneys, paralegals, investigators and law clerks have the expertise and ample resources to successfully research, investigate and litigate all of our clients Primary Pulmonary Hypertension claims. We promise every client that their claim will be reviewed diligently and carefully. If we take a case, we will work extremely hard to obtain the best possible result.  We can help you immediately.  All e-mail and form submissions will be responded to by a qualified member of our firm within 24 hours.

Copyright � 2003 � Law Offices of Nadrich & Associates - California phen fen attorneys, California fen phen lawyers, California redux lawyers, California pph litigation attorneys, California phen fen class action law suit law firm, California phen fen side effects attorneys, California phen fen primary pulmonary hypertension attorneys, California product liability lawyers, California product recalls law firm, California negligence lawyers, California medical malpractice lawyers, California personal injury attorneys, California wrongful death law firm. All rights reserved.

Disclaimer: The Phen Fen, Fen Phen, PPH, Phen Fen settlement, Phen Fen lawsuit, Phen Fen class actions, Fen Phen litigation, FenPhen side effects, dangerous drugs, drug error, personal injury, negligence, medical malpractice, wrongful death or other legal information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice, nor the formation of a lawyer or attorney client relationship. This web site and the information contained herein are for informational purposes only and not for legal advice. This web site is for providing general helpful information to members of the public in need of a licensed Phen Fen attorney.